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Mobile - The Multi Media Computer
Kamar Shah, Global Head of Industry Marketing, Nokia
Keynote, 60 minutes · Tuesday, 11 July · 10:00-11:00
This keynote will show the evolution of the multi media computer and how its becoming a mobile phone, it will also take a look at how consumers are using content on mobile and within the digital space with a relation to mobile gaming. Take a look how you can utilize the whole connected mobile space through the community of social networking with a little glimpse of the future.
- Evolution of the multi media computer to the mobile phone
- Digital consumers tends including web 2.0
- Transformative trends in the digital space
- The evolution of gaming to mobile and social networking through gaming community
- A glimpse of the future of mobile gaming
Consumer Appetites for Mobile Gaming
Paul Goode, M:Metrics
Lecture, 45 minutes · Tuesday, 11 July · 11:15-12:00
Mobile companies and traditional console game companies aren't playing as they infuse serious capital and fight for market share in the mobile game arena. But who are the 68 million mobile subscribers playing a downloaded game in the U.S., UK and Germany in a given month? Which devices are most commonly owned by casual and hardcore gamers? How many devices have the capabilities to support 3D, broadband and flash memory? Which games are popular, and where are mobile operators focusing their promotional efforts?
In this panel, Paul Goode will provide insights into the audience for mobile games, unveil new game development opportunities and guide porting decisons by examining the state of device capabilities, mobile games consumption and the demographics of gamers.
Bringing a big screen superstar to the small screen: Tomb Raider on mobile
Simon Prethrose, Eidos
Lecture, 45 minutes · Tuesday, 11 July · 12:00-12:45
With the launch of Tomb Raider: Legend earlier this year, Eidos brought a dramatically new approach to the Tomb Raider series. This presentation focuses on how that approach was reflected in the mobile versions of the game. The previous Tomb Raider for mobile, released in 2003, has been a top-selling hit for the company, but the mobile market has moved on considerably in the last few years. Simon will discuss how Eidos is addressing a broad range of consumers, including both high-end gamers and the casual mass-market, and how the company approached some of the design challenges inherent in bring a next-generation console title to mobile.
Why mobile is the new handheld
Tim Closs & Thor Gunnarson, Ideaworks3D
Lecture, 45 minutes · Tuesday, 11 July · 13:45-14:30
If you think mobile gaming is stuck with Java and 2D, think again. Current high-end handsets have capabilities somewhere between PS1 and PS2, and over the next two years, 75% of handsets worldwide will be able to play PS1-quality games, augmented by all the benefits of the mobile device.
Ideaworks3D is arguably the world leader in developing cutting-edge 3D connected mobile games and mobile gaming technology. This two-player presentation explores the most exciting prospects in current and next-gen mobile game development, from both business and technical perspectives. Examples to be explored include the convergence between mobile phones, music players and handheld gaming devices, as well as the momentum towards high-performance native (C++) development and the ability to target all devices from a single code-base.
Anyone taking an interest in the potential of high-end mobile games will find plenty of food for thought here.
Business, technical and art leads looking to make sense of the current mobile and handheld landscape, with an eye on the most profitable course for future cross-platform development.
Attendees take away an informed picture of the current and future development realities involved in making console quality 3D connected mobile games. The session should be an inspiration to developers looking to create the next generation of high-end mobile games.
Optimizing Handheld Games for ATI’s IMAGEON 3D
Claude Benoit, ATI Handeld
Lecture, 45 minutes · Tuesday, 11 July · 13:30-14:30
3D mobile games running on current generation cell phone are driven by software rendering engines. Given the platforms’ low CPU horsepower, it’s a constant battle between image quality and rendering performance, where interactivity is on the losing end. Enters IMAGEON™ 3D, a full-featured 3D hardware solution for mobile phones. The tables are now turned in favour of stunning image quality, smoother interaction, and overall better gameplay and immersion. This presentation describes the IMAGEON™ 3D technology, its internal workings and how to push 3D mobile games to the next level on next generation handsets.
What makes a successful mobile games development studio?
Kristian Segerstråle, Glu mobile
Lecture, 45 minutes · Tuesday, 11 July · 14:45-15:30
Tier-one mobile game publishers are putting increasing pressure on developers to create games that can be leveraged across global distribution channels and fit into their plans of growing the market. What does this mean for developers? How do you as a developer create and position your products in order to make it attractive for publishers? How should you approach the requirement for global distribution on 100+ carriers worldwide, 320+ unique handsets, 2,400+ individual SKUs, 10+ languages, and multiple operating systems? What are the implications for game design and innovation? This presentation will provide mobile game developers with an insight into what the defining trends are in the publishing market and what developers need to know in order to create tomorrow's successful mobile games.
View from the reviewer: 10 things that make a great mobile game
Chris James, Pocket Gamer
Lecture, 45 minutes · Tuesday, 11 July · 14:45-15:30
Why do some games triumph on the small screen, while others leave their users all fingers and thumbs? Having played and personally reviewed many of the leading titles over the last 12 months, Chris James is ideally placed to offer a critical eye on what works and doesn't in mobile games.
Developing mobile games: Big thrills, small screens and mass audiences
Jami Laes, Digital Chocolate/Sumea
Lecture, 45 minutes · Tuesday, 11 July · 15:45-16:30
Mobile game industry has its own unique challenges. To name a few: an exotic merchandising environment, handset fragmentation and platform limitations all affect each decision made before, during and after development. The unique nature of the industry and short development cycles simultaneously set constant challenges and enable continuous evolution for the process. The successful development of a development studio – and mobile games – requires mastering all this and more. This presentation will give an insight into the current development process at Digital Chocolate’s Sumea Studio and what does the current business environment look like from a studio point-of-view.
Opening the off-portal gateway
Paul Munford, Player X, Paul Goode, MMetrics, Matt Davies, Codemasters, Gunnar Larsen, Mobile Games Europe for RealNetworks
Panel, 45 minutes · Tuesday, 11 July · 15:45-16:30
EA Mobile’s recent announcement that it is to refocus its mobile publishing strategy by cutting out mobile operators and offering its games directly to consumers underscores the growing importance of off-portal strategies.
These have huge ramifications for the existing mobile games distribution model. This session brings together Real Networks, Codemasters and M:Metrics to hammer out how this is going to happen, what the latest trends are and how developers need to react to the New World.
Chaired by Paul Munford, publisher of widely read industry newsletter Monty’s Gaming and Wireless Outlook, the range of panellists from operator to existing off-portal publisher to traditional games company to research company will cover all elements of the off-portal chain and give some answers to an ever-changing environment.
Mobile Games: An operator's viewpoint
Tim Harrison, Vodafone, Tim Green, Mobile Entertainment
Lecture, 45 minutes · Tuesday, 11 July · 16:45-17:30
In this keynote Q&A Tim Green (executive editor of Mobile Entertainment) will quiz Tim Harrison (Head of Games Vodafone Group Services) on the state of the mobile games industry today and the outlook for the future.
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